About ParentLink
We have the best job in the world The privilege of sharing the most special and awe-inspiring time. The birth of a baby. We help families welcome a tiny new person and start a whole new journey together. What could be better than that?
With a combined 30 years experience in labour wards, birthing centres and at home births. We have supported families through all kinds of choices. The training, skills and knowledge for a midwife or nurse are very different from those required to be a doula, so our team are professionally trained specifically as doulas. We are all certified with Childbirth International, or have equivalent experience. The CBI program is the most rigorous in the world.
In addition to training, the ParentLink team has decades of collective experience supporting women and their partners through labour, including nearly 20 years in Singapore hospitals.
Meet the Team

Di Bustamante, International Director
Di's passion for calm and gentle childbirth has led her to specialize in hypnosis and HypnoBirthing®. Di completed her training and certification as a doula and childbirth educator with Childbirth International and is the Regional Liaison and faculty member of the HypnoBirthing Institute™.
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Wendy Tay, Director
Wendy’s passion for birth was ignited by the births of her two children, who were delivered naturally without any drugs or intervention. She completed her training and certification as a doula with Childbirth International and is a graduate of Nanyang Technological University with a BA(Hons) in Psychology. From her experience as a doula, childbirth educator, and counsellor, she gained a deep understanding of all things associated with pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Wendy is committed to serving women everywhere by providing the support that they need as they become mothers.
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Angelyn Seet-Loh, Bradley Method Instructor
When I (Angelyn) was pregnant for the first time while Josh was posted overseas for work in April 2009, we attended Bradley Method® Classes in Boise, Idaho, USA. After giving birth to our son Jeremiah completely naturally in Mountain Home Air Force Base hospital in America, we unexpectedly enjoyed (yes, you read it correctly- ENJOYED!) the whole experience so much that we decided to take up the Bradley Method® training workshop in Anahiem California in November 2010 with the full intention of bringing this wonderful method back to our home country - Singapore.
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Eileen Goh, First Aid Instructor
Eileen has been teaching first aid for the last 10 years, certified through St John's Ambulance. She is also a faculty member at St John's and a registered nurse.
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We would be happy to speak with you about any questions you might have! Call our office at +65 9012 0071 or email us - info@parentlink.com.sg.